Monday, December 14, 2009

Homework, December 14th - December 18th

This will be a busy week with lots of projects due and excitement in the air with the impending holiday break. We will not have a puzzle of the week this week, but students should complete the following for homework: 1. Current Events article (due Friday) Summarize an article from the newspaper or a story from the TV news in a well-written paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details. 2. Study for Vocabulary: brisk cherish considerate displace downfall estimate humiliate identical improper poll soothe vicinity Remember, students should know proper spelling, definition, correct usage, and part of speech for all vocabulary words. Projects Due: Thursday, December 17th Ms. Okimoto's Reading Groups: Book projects (1 for novel study & 1 for independently read book) Ms. Okimoto's RTI Group: Owner's Manual Brochure created in MS Publisher ALL-Artist PowerPoint Friday, December 18th Art project featuring style of individual artist

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Homework for the Week of 7 December - 11 December

The homework this week consists of the following: Puzzle of the Week: Random Sampling Part of this puzzle will be completed in class. Students must also complete questions 1-4 regarding this puzzle. Current Events: Students should seek out a current news story and write a paragraph about the story. Check writing to make sure the paragraph includes a topic sentence with supporting details. Writing Prompt: Describe your ideal bedroom. Your writing should include the process of planning, rough draft, editing & revising and a final copy. All elements should be turned in. Study Vocabulary for Friday's test. You must know the spelling, part of speech, definition, and correct usage for each of the following twelve words: 1. alternate 2. demolish 3. energetic 4. enforce 5. feat 6. hearty 7. mature 8. observant 9. primary 10. resign 11. strive 12. verdict Remember, homework is due when you arrive at school on Friday! Some students have been waiting until class time on Friday to complete assignments. This is not an acceptable practice.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Homework for the Week of 30 November - 4 December

This week's homework includes studying vocabulary, reading each night for 20 minutes, and completing the puzzle of the week The vocabulary list is as follows: 1. barrier 2. calculate 3. compose 4. considerable 5. deputy 6. industrious 7.jolt 8. loot 9. rejoice 10. reliable 11. senseless 12. shrivel Students should be able to spell the words, know the definition, be able to use the word properly in a sentence, and also be able to identify the part of speech. Puzzle of the Week: "Will you take me teacher shopping, Aunty?" Asked Gina the last time she visited me. "Teacher shopping? What? I thought you all liked your teacher. Why would you want to get a new one? And where do you think you could buy one anyway?" I asked. "No, silly" said Gina. "I don't want to buy a teacher! I have been saving my money and I want to want to buy a Christmas present for my teacher! Will you take me?" "Well, I guess I could do that," I said, "but you do know that the presents teachers like best are those that come from the heart, not the store." "What do you mean Aunt Mathilda?" asked Gina. "Well, Gina," I explained. "Something that shows you really care - like a nice card that you made yourself, or something you helped bake. Those were always my favorite presents from my students." "I know what I could do!" exclaimed Gina. I went to a bead store last week and saw lots of fancy beads. Could I use some of my money to buy beads to make a necklace?" Asked Gina. "What a great idea, Gina!" I agreed. "I have been wanting to try my hand at that myself." Soon we were at the local "String em Along" bead store. There were hundreds of beads to choose from, but soon Gina had a plan for her necklace. I agreed to pay for the wire and the clasp, so that she could spend all her money on beads. "I have saved $3.00, said Gina. The 3 types of beads I would like to use cost, 25¢, 10¢ and 5¢ each. I want to use all my money, with none left over. I want my necklace to have a repeating pattern, beginning and ending with a pink bead and I want mostly purple beads – my teacher's favorite color. I also want to use some of all three kinds of beads in my necklace." Is it possible for Gina to do this? Can you design a necklace following all these rules? After you solve the problem, check out your answer with an adult, and remember to tell them how you figured it out. What helped you to get started? What was tricky about the problem? Love,Aunt Mathilda

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Henri Matisse

Yesterday, the story "Pigcasso Meets Mootisse" was shared with you. Do some research on your own and post 5 facts about Matisse on the blog over the next week. Ideas for information include: where was he from? when did he live? what style of art was he most famous for? What are some facts about his personal life? etc.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Homework Week of 16 November -20 November

This week our homework plan will be a bit different. First, there is no puzzle of the week this week. We are beginning a different instructional strategy for daily math, and we will have an opportunity to cover some of the higher level problem solving practice within this structure. Additionally, vocabulary for this week is a review test over the first 10 lessons. Finally, no current events for the week. Students will be receiving a handout regarding specific assignments for our art history unit through the course of the week. The assignments are web-dependent, but if students do not have internet access at home, they may have time in class to complete the work, but the students need to notify me and set up times. Homework for the week: Read 20 minutes daily. Study vocabulary list. Complete Picasso assignments as listed on sheet. (post response here on blog or write out answer) Write a summary of Pablo Picasso's life or create a timeline of important events. Vocabulary List: abandon shrewd numerous strategy continuous temporary distribute cautious miniature treacherous obstacle aggressive longitude luxurious overwhelm emigrate hospitality persecute fatigue accomplish capacity apparent czar patriot regent colonist democracy tyrant conquistador latitude

Tell Me About Picasso

Your homework for this week is to visit some websites and find some information about Picasso. Share your favorite facts about Picasso, please!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Homework for the week of 9 November through 13 November

This week's homework assignments are as follows: Read 20 minutes daily. Study vocabulary. Puzzle of the Week. Current events summary. Writing Prompt. All assignments will be due on Friday. Additionally, the research probe is also due on Friday. We have been working on this assignment in class, but if students need to work on it at home as well that is permissible. Vocabulary List: 1. accomplish 2. apparent 3. capacity 4. civilian 5. conceal 6. duplicate 7. keen 8. provoke 9. spurt 10. undoing 11. vast 12.withdraw Writing Prompt: Compare and contrast the movie and book “Inkheart”. For your graphic organizer, create a Venn Diagram with at least five items in each of the three sections of the diagram. After you have your plan, write a rough draft of your compare and contrast. Your essay should be comprised of three paragraphs. The first paragraph should focus on the similarities between the book and the movie. The second paragraph should focus on the differences between the book and the movie. The final paragraph should be your explanation of which you preferred and why. Please turn in your graphic organizer, rough draft, and final copy on Friday. Puzzle of the Week: Gen's father always lets her keep the change she finds stuck between the cushions of the couch. Last week, she found ten coins worth $1.19. Her father wanted to exchange the coins for a $1.00 bill, but Gen couldn't give him exactly $1.00 in change. One of the coins was a half dollar (which Gen woldn't trade anyway because she collectes them). What were the other 9 coins? Now write two of your own coin puzzlers.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Homework for the Week of 2 November - 6 November

We will be getting back into the swing of things this week! Students need to practice vocabulary words, complete their puzzle of the week, summarize a current events article(I would rather them write a paragraph about the story than bring in the article itself), and complete the homework writing prompt. All assignments will be due on Friday. Vocabulary List: 1. blemish 2. blunt 3. capable 4. conclude 5. detect 6. fatigue 7. festive 8. hospitality 9. nomad 10. persecute 11. supreme 12. transport Students need to be able to spell, define, use words in a sentence appropriately, and identify each word's part of speech. The writing prompt for this week is, "After he takes your lunch money, a bully warns you that he’ll hurt you if you tell anyone. Since you don’t believe in fighting to solve problems, what other actions might you take?" Students should go through the writing process, to include planning, drafting, editing and revising, and finally creating a published piece. Students may type their final copy, and should include all elements of the process.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Conference Week

Due to conferences Monday and Tuesday and school holiday on Wednesday - Friday, there will be no vocabulary list or puzzle of the week this week! No homework this week other than nightly reading. Thanks!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Busy busy week!

Hello all! We have a lot going on this week! Here are some important dates/events to take note of: Tuesday-Explorer Test. Study your explorer process grid. You will be responsible for completing a process grid for the following explorers: The Native Americans, Alexander the Great, Leif Erikson, Christopher Columbus and Herman Cortez. Additionally, there will be three essay questions related to the information regarding explorers presented in class by Ms. Okimoto and Mrs. Rigsby. Thursday-Ms. Okimoto's reading groups have book projects due. Students should have ready to submit a book project based on the novel study book as well as an independently read book. Project options have been made available to students. Friday-Explorer projects due! Work time in class will happen on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Project components include: Biography, expedition plan, field guide, journal and map. Also on Friday--Field trip to Bunnicula! Fall Festival 4pm-6pm! Due to the high volume of assignments and responsibilities there will be no puzzle of the week this week! Have a great one!

Vocabulary list #8

Here is a list of this week's vocabulary words. Students are responsible for knowing the definition, correct spelling, and correct usage for each word. 1. aggressive 2. associate 3. deceive 4. emigrate 5. flexible 6. glamour 7. hazy 8. linger 9. luxurious 10. mishap 11. overwhelm 12. span

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spanish Explorers

How did Spanish explorers change the Americas? Name specific people, dates, and events. (Use your notes from the video)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today we read the book Encounter by Jane Yolen. It told the story of Christopher Columbus' arrival in San Salvador from the perspective of a young Taino boy. Recount the details of the story that showed a very different opinion of exploration than other views we have examined. Formulate your response into a well-written paragraph.

Vocabulary words

Our vocabulary test scores went down a bit this last week. Please study your words this week and be ready for our Friday quiz! You must know how to spell the word, the definition, and how to use it properly in a sentence. This week's list: 1. blunder 2. cancel 3. continuous 4. distribute 5. document 6. fragile 7. myth 8. reject 9. scuffle 10. solitary 11. temporary 12. ecosystem

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The 3 Gs of Exploration

We have been discussing explorers in our Social Studies unit. Yesterday we discussed that many explorers set off on their adventures motivated by either Gold, God, or Glory. Think about those reasons. Name a fourth reason why explorers may have been motivated to find new lands and explore the unknown.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's A Small World

Ever notice how things keep getting smaller and smaller? The world's smallest telephone is less than 2 inches long. The smallest camera is even smaller. How do you feel about things getting smaller? Small stuff is easier to carry, right? But it's easier to lose, too. Do you think there's a way to make teeny tiny cars? Could there be a way to shrink people so they could drive aroudn in these cars? Smallness is kind of a big topic, isn't it? Use your imagination and write about the good and bad sides of things getting smaller.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Countries around the World

Today we wrote "Where Am I?" Riddles for various United States. Your homework tonight is to find the name of a country outside of the US, name three cities within it, and for extra credit locate the country by latitude and longitude. (to the closest degree, no minutes necessary!) You may post this information on the blog, or you can bring it to school. Don't forget your puzzle of the week, and to study for your vocabulary test!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I went camping this weekend at Wellington Lake near Bailey. The lake was beautiful and there were amazing pines surrounding the campgrounds. Also, a gorgeous rock formation that I think is called Craggy Peak was visible. I had a wonderful time. What is your favorite camping spot?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Day in the Life

I love going into bookstores and flipping through the amazing photography books themed "A Day in the Life". Growing up, my parents had "A Day in the Life of Hawaii" on the coffee table. If you aren't familiar with these books, basically there are hundreds of photographers dispatched on a single day to take pictures of many different perspectives of a particular place all throughout the day, from dawn until night. I wonder if a "Day in the Life of 216" would be popular? (our classroom) What photographs would show up? How would you like to be pictured/remembered?

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend thus far! I had a great visit with my brother and his family in Castle Rock yesterday. My niece turned 13 on Friday. Time flies so quickly! Today, the weather was beautiful and I enjoyed some time at the Dog Park this morning with Nikki and about a million other dogs! I will be at a meeting tomorrow morning, so I will not be at school until lunch time. I hope you all behave extraordinarily well for the substitute! I miss you all already and look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wonderful First Day!

Wow! I am so delighted and amazed by what terrific students I have in my class! I am humbled by all your positive comments on the blog page. Tomorrow promises to be even better. I have a quote I want you to think about, and respond to if you choose: "Great lives are the culmination of great thoughts followed by great actions." If you could achieve a great action, what would it be? Why is this a significant act for you?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome to Edison!

I am so excited to be in Colorado! I just moved from Arizona, and am delighted to be a new teacher at Edison Elementary. How many of you have lived in a state other than Colorado?