Monday, November 2, 2009

Homework for the Week of 2 November - 6 November

We will be getting back into the swing of things this week! Students need to practice vocabulary words, complete their puzzle of the week, summarize a current events article(I would rather them write a paragraph about the story than bring in the article itself), and complete the homework writing prompt. All assignments will be due on Friday. Vocabulary List: 1. blemish 2. blunt 3. capable 4. conclude 5. detect 6. fatigue 7. festive 8. hospitality 9. nomad 10. persecute 11. supreme 12. transport Students need to be able to spell, define, use words in a sentence appropriately, and identify each word's part of speech. The writing prompt for this week is, "After he takes your lunch money, a bully warns you that he’ll hurt you if you tell anyone. Since you don’t believe in fighting to solve problems, what other actions might you take?" Students should go through the writing process, to include planning, drafting, editing and revising, and finally creating a published piece. Students may type their final copy, and should include all elements of the process.

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