Monday, November 16, 2009

Tell Me About Picasso

Your homework for this week is to visit some websites and find some information about Picasso. Share your favorite facts about Picasso, please!


  1. Picasso has many names! 22 I think, isn't that crazy.In 1910 Picasso started cubism. Cubism is using many blocks or cubes in a drawing or painting. Picasso was brilliant artisticaly anyway. He was thrown into detention very often where he would just sit and draw. It was paradise to him, he could stay in there for weeks, just drawing.


  2. Its cool that he has two wives.He also got to write in the magazine he illustrated.

  3. Summary of Picasso’s Life

    Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 and died April 8, 1973.He was an artist and a sculptor. He was interested in art at a young age. He was formally trained to draw the human body by his father. Picasso was so interested in art, that he did not pay attention to his school work. His sister died of diphtheria when she was seven. This was very sad for Picasso. Picasso attended several art schools and was very talented, but he disliked formal instruction.
    He moved to Paris after studying Madrid in 1900. Paris France was the art capital of Europe. In Paris he met the art collectors Leo and Gertrude Stein. Gertrude became Picasso’s benefactor and Leo become Henri Matisse’s benefactor. Picasso and Matisse become lifelong friends and rivals.
    His art is divided into various periods. The Blue Period was somber and gloomy. The Pink Period was cheerful and happy. He was also one of the founders of Cubism. Cubism was painting in neutral colors and shapes.
    Picasso died in France with his wife and friends at a dinner party.

  4. I think it was cool that he lived in Madrid and it is sad he is burning his own drawings to keep warm, also I think it was amazing how he made his artwork. One of his most famous peices of art is called Quenica.

  5. Picasso was born in 1881 in Spain. One of my favorite facts was that he had seven names. Another was that he was so poor in 1900 that he burned his own work to keep warm. He was into bullfighting, and he liked to draw bulls. He married twice and had 4 chidren by three women. Last, I think it is cool that he started as a detailed realistic painter and he changed to funky cubism. One of his portraits is so strange, I couldn't even tell it was a man.
    from Ben Waters

  6. Picasso was born in 1888 on the 25th of October and died in 1973 on April 8th. He had two wives and four children. He began his career by drawing a book cover for his father’s book. The book cover was well drawn and was put in a local newspaper article. At first, Picasso’s art had minimal detail and with time he became very detailed. His work then became abstract and included random shapes such as triangles and squares and circles even when he was drawing people. Later in life, Picasso’s girlfriend, also an artist, taught him how to sculpt. His work improved as a result of her teaching. Even today, Picasso’s work is some of the most popular and recognizable abstract art.

    Isaac Asquith

  7. The name of his famous work was Guernica, Louis. You guys have found some amazing information!

  8. Picasso was pretty old when he married his second wife. Pablo wasn't young when he married any of his wives. At an older age he cheated on his first wife and took a liking to a 17 year old. At the age of 13, I think, his 7 year old sister died. During his life as an artist he had many different periods where he only painted the name of the period with few exceptions. I found a really awesome time line that I am basing mine on. This time line isn't just a line, it has facts that are only a year or two away from each other. Here's the website:


  9. My favorite thing that I learned about Picasso is that his last words were "Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can't drink anymore." I think it is very interesting that he knew that he was dieing and that he still wanted people to celebrate his life.
