Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Homework for the Week of 7 December - 11 December

The homework this week consists of the following: Puzzle of the Week: Random Sampling Part of this puzzle will be completed in class. Students must also complete questions 1-4 regarding this puzzle. Current Events: Students should seek out a current news story and write a paragraph about the story. Check writing to make sure the paragraph includes a topic sentence with supporting details. Writing Prompt: Describe your ideal bedroom. Your writing should include the process of planning, rough draft, editing & revising and a final copy. All elements should be turned in. Study Vocabulary for Friday's test. You must know the spelling, part of speech, definition, and correct usage for each of the following twelve words: 1. alternate 2. demolish 3. energetic 4. enforce 5. feat 6. hearty 7. mature 8. observant 9. primary 10. resign 11. strive 12. verdict Remember, homework is due when you arrive at school on Friday! Some students have been waiting until class time on Friday to complete assignments. This is not an acceptable practice.


  1. Ms.Okimoto, when we do puzzle of the week together do we have to write the questions? I think probably don't have to, but it seems like we're supposed to.


  2. My ideal bedroom would have a perimeter of around 7 ft.It would have a hexagonal shape,with curved corners. the bed would be on the side next to the door,and the dresser next to the bed.the side farthest from the door would work like a elevator,the 1st floor a room full of games,the 2nd a obstacle course,and the 3rd a good place for hide and seek.On the second farthest side from the door, there is a panel that changes holiday decorations.that is my ideal bedroom.BY SADIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
