Monday, December 14, 2009

Homework, December 14th - December 18th

This will be a busy week with lots of projects due and excitement in the air with the impending holiday break. We will not have a puzzle of the week this week, but students should complete the following for homework: 1. Current Events article (due Friday) Summarize an article from the newspaper or a story from the TV news in a well-written paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details. 2. Study for Vocabulary: brisk cherish considerate displace downfall estimate humiliate identical improper poll soothe vicinity Remember, students should know proper spelling, definition, correct usage, and part of speech for all vocabulary words. Projects Due: Thursday, December 17th Ms. Okimoto's Reading Groups: Book projects (1 for novel study & 1 for independently read book) Ms. Okimoto's RTI Group: Owner's Manual Brochure created in MS Publisher ALL-Artist PowerPoint Friday, December 18th Art project featuring style of individual artist

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