Monday, October 19, 2009

Busy busy week!

Hello all! We have a lot going on this week! Here are some important dates/events to take note of: Tuesday-Explorer Test. Study your explorer process grid. You will be responsible for completing a process grid for the following explorers: The Native Americans, Alexander the Great, Leif Erikson, Christopher Columbus and Herman Cortez. Additionally, there will be three essay questions related to the information regarding explorers presented in class by Ms. Okimoto and Mrs. Rigsby. Thursday-Ms. Okimoto's reading groups have book projects due. Students should have ready to submit a book project based on the novel study book as well as an independently read book. Project options have been made available to students. Friday-Explorer projects due! Work time in class will happen on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Project components include: Biography, expedition plan, field guide, journal and map. Also on Friday--Field trip to Bunnicula! Fall Festival 4pm-6pm! Due to the high volume of assignments and responsibilities there will be no puzzle of the week this week! Have a great one!

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