Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Day in the Life

I love going into bookstores and flipping through the amazing photography books themed "A Day in the Life". Growing up, my parents had "A Day in the Life of Hawaii" on the coffee table. If you aren't familiar with these books, basically there are hundreds of photographers dispatched on a single day to take pictures of many different perspectives of a particular place all throughout the day, from dawn until night. I wonder if a "Day in the Life of 216" would be popular? (our classroom) What photographs would show up? How would you like to be pictured/remembered?


  1. Today is the day of school where I thought we were going to go on to our computers and look at cool stuff but, no. Then we went onto our miscellaneous books. Something you should know about my class, we will either be super quite or really loud. Anyway, after that we went to gym and then lunch and recess. Then, we went to an assembly which was really long. After that we read and left to go home.

  2. I would like the camera to be in one of the corners where two walls and the ceiling meet. That way, everbody could be in the picture.

  3. I think I would take a picture of the inside of a desk,to show that our class is orginized,and to show that we learn a lot!

  4. when i look at my classroom i feel a mixture of happiness sadness
    and friendship .thats what i see when i look at rm 216

  5. I would like two be remembered by a picture of me smiling

  6. when i look around i see a way of life that just cant die

  7. I would like there to be a picture of the window because I like to look outdoors. I would like room 216 to be remembered as a class that loved learning and worked well together. I think that kids who do not love to learn and get along with others should not be in the HGT classroom.

  8. The whole room laughing to show how much fun it is to learn together!This is not mango mell this is Nell!!

  9. I wonder what life in Mexico would be like if Moctezuma had defeated Cortes? I don't really get how were supposed to answer that but okay
    I'll try. I asked my dad and he doesn't think it would be different in any meaningful way. I sort of agree even though I don't no much on the topic. That is my opinion on this subject.
