Monday, August 23, 2010

Homework for the Week of August 23rd - August 27th

Homework is assigned on Mondays and due on Friday.  Students will be given time in class to record assignments.  All sections of the Homework Log Sheet must be signed and returned on Friday for full credit. 

Assignment #1: Puzzle of the Week and Guideline Questions
This Week's Puzzle: Chickens and Rabbits

Students were given an introduction to this puzzle in class today.  The expectation is that all work is shown.  Include charts, drawing, diagrams, etc.

Puzzle of the Week:

One day, I visited Old MacDonald's farm. The farm had three pens of animals. The chickens were brown, and known for their wonderful eggs. The rabbits were black and white. Each pen had both chickens and rabbits inside. I cannot remember how many of each animal were in each pen. I can only remember how many heads and how many legs were in each. In Pen #1, there were 12 heads and 42 legs. In Pen #2, there were 42 heads and 112 legs. In Pen #3, there were 19 heads and 52 legs. Can I figure out how many chickens and rabbits were on the farm?

Guideline Questions:
Guidelines for Writing about the Puzzle of the Week

1. What is the puzzle about? Restate the question in your own words.
Check your writing:
What are you trying to find out?

Did you give enough information for someone else to be able to solve the puzzle?

2. What are your first impressions of this puzzle? How do you think you will solve it?
Check your writing:
What strategies do you think you will use?( picture, act it out, make a table, chart or list; use
Does this puzzle remind you of other puzzles?

3. Describe how you solved the puzzle. Explain your method.
Check your writing:
How did you start? What did you try that didn't work? Did you learn anything from
those tries? What did you do when you got stuck? Did someone help you with this puzzle?
Were they helpful or not?
What steps did you use to find your solution? Be specific so someone else could try your strategy.

4. How do you know your answer is right?
Check your writing:
How would you prove your solution is right if someone disagrees with you?
Could there be more than one correct solution?

Assignment #2: Study Vocabulary words, definitions, and parts of speech for Friday test.
Vocabulary List:
1. glum       2. pacify    3. verify   4. suppress   5. gregarious  6. commotion  7. haughty  8. surmise
9. consolidate 10. destiny 11. disciple  12. abundant  13. petition  14. noxious  15. surge  16. impartial
17. valiant  18. labyrinth  19. paramount  20. haggard

Assignment #3: Writing Task: Use vocabulary words in well written sentences that show understanding of the meaning of words.

Assignment #4: Read 20 minutes each night, or some combination that totals 80 minutes between Monday and Thursday.  Fill in reading log.




  2. Yo! Shout out to the Two One Six! Puzzle of the week nearly killed me.

    August 27 2010
