Monday, February 8, 2010

Homework: February 8-February 12

Homework for this week includes the following: Math: Decimal worksheet, and probability activity(will be sent home on Wednesday) Writing: Respond to the following prompt: Strength or Speed? In 1996, a Belgian man named Walter Arfeuille moved an eight car train weighing nearly 500,000 pounds. He was able to pull it more than ten feet.....using his teeth! Now that's strong! The world record for high speed tap dancing belongs to James Devine from Australia. He can tap his feet 38 times per second. Now that's fast! Which would you rather be, strong or fast? Think about it and then write about which one you chose and why. Make sure your writing is at least 3 paragraphs long, includes descriptive details, and is conventionally perfect! Vocabulary: Choose 15 words from the following list. You may use the words in sentences, or create part two of your picture dictionary, that includes the vocabulary term with a descriptive picture. 1.ordered pair 2. parallelogram 3. parallel lines 4. pattern 5. pentagon 6. perimeter 7. perpendicular lines 8. pictograph 9. place value 10. P.M. 11. point 12. polygon 13. possible event 14. predict 15. prediction 16. probability 17. product 18. pyramid 19. quadrilateral 20. questionaire 21. quotient 22. range 23. rectangle 24. reflection 25. represent 26. remainder 27. rhombus 28. right angle 29. right triangle 30. rounding 31. rule 32. ruler 33. scale 34. sequence 35. set 36. side 37. similar 38. slide 39. solids 40. solve 41. sphere


  1. Hi, I waas looking at the math sheet you just assigned us. I was wondering if you should count 0 as a even number. I don't think that 0 is a even number because all even numbers can be divided by 2, even 2 itself. But not 0. If you think that 0 is an even number fine with me, but thats not my opinion.


  2. I understand your rationale, however, if one assumes that odd and even numbers alternate back and forth, then zero would be even. Check out this web page:
