Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homework February 17-19

Due to the fact that students have multiple projects due next week and the brevity of the week, there will be limited homework this week. Students received a math packet today, that is due on Monday, February 22, 2010. I have the following expectations for the packet: all work is shown, no calculators or parent assistance on computation, and no reprints or late work. Problem areas for the students seem to be multiplying double and triple digit factors, locating ordered pairs on a coordinate grid, and finding common denominators. All included work is review work, and students should ask questions if necessary. Early submission is encouraged. Thanks. REMINDER: POETRY BOOKS & NIGHT OF THE NOTABLES PROJECTS DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH BOOK PROJECTS FOR MRS. RIGSBY'S READERS DUE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND BOOK PROJECTS FOR MS. OKIMOTO'S READERS DUE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH


  1. Joshua is not sure what the book project is supposed to be about. He's not sure if he missed some info somewhere or if it has not been handed out yet. Did he miss something regarding, by chance?


    Kelley Farrell-Prather
