Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Homework: January 25-29

Homework for the Week of January 25-January 29

Writing: "Fun With Tunnels" prompt

Write 3 paragraphs responding to the prompt. Make

sure you use a minimum of ten adjectives, three

transition words, and five different sentence


Vocabulary: Choose 15 of your words to write into

sentences. Study for Friday's test.

Math: Puzzle #90 Complete the chart. Explain in one

well-written sentence how you found your answers.

Solving Equations sheets4/5 and 6/7

Reading: Spend 20 minutes minimum each night.

Work on your poetry books and your biography


Homework for the Week of January 25-January 29

Writing: "Fun With Tunnels" prompt

Write 3 paragraphs responding to the prompt. Make

sure you use a minimum of ten adjectives, three

transition words, and five different sentence


Vocabulary: Choose 15 of your words to write into

sentences. Study all words for Friday's test.

Math: Puzzle #90 Complete the chart. Explain in one

well-written sentence how you found your answers.

Solving Equations sheets4/5 and 6/7

Reading: Spend 20 minutes minimum Homework for the Week of January 25-January 29

Writing: "Fun With Tunnels" prompt

Write 3 paragraphs responding to the prompt. Make

sure you use a minimum of ten adjectives, three

transition words, and five different sentence


Vocabulary: Choose 15 of your words to write into

sentences. Study all words for Friday's test.

Math: Puzzle #90 Complete the chart. Explain in one

well-written sentence how you found your answers.

Solving Equations sheets4/5 and 6/7

Reading: Spend 20 minutes minimum each night.

Work on your poetry books and your biography


each night.

Work on your poetry books and your biography


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