Puzzle of the Week:
Variable Dilemma
Each letter in the equation below stands for a different number (0-9). Look at each equation carefully. Thnk about the knowledge you have of how numbers work. Find the values of each letter. (A-J)
G + G + G = D
J + E = J
G2 = D
B + G = D
F - B = C
I/H = A (H > A)
A X C = A
Don't forget to answer your guideline questions.
Vocabulary words:
1. alternate
2. demolish
3. energetic
4. enforce
5. feat
6. hearty
7. mature
8. observant
9. primary
10. resign
11. strive
12. verdict
Quote of the week:
I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.
Abraham Lincoln
Writing Assignment: Work on Cast of Characters work.
Reading: 20 minutes per night, or 100 minutes over the course of the week. Please focus on your author study books.
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