Monday, November 15, 2010

Homework Due on November 18th

Assignment #1: Math
Solve the following puzzle of the week. Answer the four guideline questions also.

Puzzle of the Week:
The following equations, when completed from left to right, all equal 8. Put in the proper operation signs (+, -, *, / ) to complete each equation. You may not use the same sequence of operations in more than one equation. Will the sequences you used work if you substitute another number for 8? Test them to find out.

Answer to Guideline Question #1:

What is the puzzle about? Restate the situation in your own words.
Check your writing:
What are you trying to find out?
Did you give enough information for someone else to be able to solve the puzzle?

This week's puzzle is entitled, "Crazy 8s". Most of us think of crazy 8s, as a card game (thanks Lukas), but this puzzle isn't about the luck of the draw. This puzzle has five number sentences with only eights (6 of them to be exact). My job is to insert the proper operation signs between the digits to make each sentence true. The rules of the puzzle do not allow me to repeat the sequences. Additionally, the puzzle asks me to determine if the same sequences used in my 8s equations would work for other numbers.

Please study the parts of speech,spelling, and definitions of the following words:

2. cancel
3. continuous
4. distribute
5. document
6. fragile
7. myth
8. reject
9. scuffle
10. solitary
11. temporary
12. veteran

Writing Assignment: "Backtrack"

Arvind Pandya, a man from India, set a world record in 1984 by running backward from Los Angeles. It took him 107 days. Try out a backward exercise of your own. Write your life story in reverse. That means the beginning of your story is something that happened very recently. The end of the story is the day you were born. (please don't make me have to use a mirror to decipher your writing)

Do your best!

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