Thursday, September 30, 2010

Homework September 30- October 7

Homework Assignments: All homework is due on Thursday, October 7, 2010. Please make sure you have a parent sign your log sheet. You do not need to turn in your reading log or vocabulary cards. You must turn in your puzzle of the week with completed guideline questions, and your writing assignment. Keep in mind your writing assignment should be in final draft form.

Assignment #1: Puzzle of the Week- Banana Currency

An Island has no currency; it instead has the following exchange rate:

50 bananas=20 coconuts
30 coconuts=12 fish
100 fish= 1 hammock

How many bananas equal 1 hammock?

Create your own currency system with at least three items or different values. Write three word problems involving your own currency. Remember to answer your questions too!

Assignment #2: Vocabulary List #7
Words with Greek Parts: aero, belli, pan

Aero means "air".
Belli means "war".
Pan means "all".

1. Aerobics
2. Aerodynamics
3. Aerial
4. Aeronautics
5. Aerate
6. Rebellion
7. Belligerent
8. Panacea
9. Pandemonium

Students must know the spelling, meaning, and part of speech for each word.

Assignment #3: Writing Task
"Thanks. Now, Where Do We Put This?"
The biggest gift ever is the Statue of Liberty. It was a present from France to the United States in 1886. It stands more than 150 feet tall and weighs 225 tons. What if your town could give a giant gift to another town in the United States or to another country? What would the gift be? For example, if your town is famous for pretzels, maybe you could send a huge iron pretzel to another town. Write about a big gift that your town might give to another town or country and explain why.

Assignment #4: Read 20 minutes each night. Record your reading on your reading log. Have your parents sign your homework sheet verifying at least 80 minutes of reading through the week. Try to find AR reading books too so you can test at school!

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