Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22-26 Homework

Homework for this week is as follows: Vocabulary-Last CSAP list! Yippee! Choose 15 words from your list to use in complete, well-written sentences. Study all list words for Friday's test. You should know all words and definitions. 1. square 2. square number 3. square unit 4. standard form 5. standard units of measure 6. strategy 7. subtraction 8. sum 9. summary 10. survey 11. symmetry 12. table 13. temperature 14. translation 15. triangle 16. turn 17. style 18. suffix 19. summary 20. supporting details 21. symbolism 22. synonyms 23. theme 24. title 25. tone 26. topic sentence 27. transition 28. valid 29. verb 30. voice 31. word web Writing: Students will respond to "The Cheetah and the Sloth" prompt. Writing must include a minimum of three paragraphs. Please make sure you have well defined main idea sentences, with supporting details. Prompt: The cheetah is the world's fastest land mammal. It can reach speeds of 65 miles per hour. The world's slowest land mammal is the sloth, which moves along at just 0.07 miles per hour. That means it would take a sloth 15 minutes just to cross the street. Write a story about a race between a cheetah and a sloth, a kind of wacky version of the old fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare". Here's the twist: Use your imagination to dream up a way for the sloth to win. Math: Practice sheets on weight, volume, and decimal fractions. Also look over green study sheet for Unit7 test on Friday. Read nightly for a minimum of 20 minutes. Project Due Dates: Poetry Books due-2/24/2010 Night of the Notables written project due-2/24/2010 Ms. Okimoto's Reading Groups: independent & novel study book projects due 2/25/2010 Night of the Notables Event-Thursday, February 25, 2010, 5 -7 pm, Edison Auditorium

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homework February 17-19

Due to the fact that students have multiple projects due next week and the brevity of the week, there will be limited homework this week. Students received a math packet today, that is due on Monday, February 22, 2010. I have the following expectations for the packet: all work is shown, no calculators or parent assistance on computation, and no reprints or late work. Problem areas for the students seem to be multiplying double and triple digit factors, locating ordered pairs on a coordinate grid, and finding common denominators. All included work is review work, and students should ask questions if necessary. Early submission is encouraged. Thanks. REMINDER: POETRY BOOKS & NIGHT OF THE NOTABLES PROJECTS DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH BOOK PROJECTS FOR MRS. RIGSBY'S READERS DUE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND BOOK PROJECTS FOR MS. OKIMOTO'S READERS DUE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH

Monday, February 8, 2010

Homework: February 8-February 12

Homework for this week includes the following: Math: Decimal worksheet, and probability activity(will be sent home on Wednesday) Writing: Respond to the following prompt: Strength or Speed? In 1996, a Belgian man named Walter Arfeuille moved an eight car train weighing nearly 500,000 pounds. He was able to pull it more than ten feet.....using his teeth! Now that's strong! The world record for high speed tap dancing belongs to James Devine from Australia. He can tap his feet 38 times per second. Now that's fast! Which would you rather be, strong or fast? Think about it and then write about which one you chose and why. Make sure your writing is at least 3 paragraphs long, includes descriptive details, and is conventionally perfect! Vocabulary: Choose 15 words from the following list. You may use the words in sentences, or create part two of your picture dictionary, that includes the vocabulary term with a descriptive picture. 1.ordered pair 2. parallelogram 3. parallel lines 4. pattern 5. pentagon 6. perimeter 7. perpendicular lines 8. pictograph 9. place value 10. P.M. 11. point 12. polygon 13. possible event 14. predict 15. prediction 16. probability 17. product 18. pyramid 19. quadrilateral 20. questionaire 21. quotient 22. range 23. rectangle 24. reflection 25. represent 26. remainder 27. rhombus 28. right angle 29. right triangle 30. rounding 31. rule 32. ruler 33. scale 34. sequence 35. set 36. side 37. similar 38. slide 39. solids 40. solve 41. sphere

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Homework: February 1-February 5

Writing Prompt: A Bicycle Built for 200 Million The Netherlands is the nation with the most bicycles per capita. It has 16 million of them! That's an average of one bicycle for every citizen, big and small, young and old. Do you think it would be good if people in the United States used bikes and scooters and skateboards more often? What would be the advantages? Would it cut down on pollution? Write about how the US would be different if people depended on transportation other than cars. Write 3 organized paragraphs explaining your position and persuading your audience that your position is best. Make sure to use your best spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Math: Activity 1: Create a pie graph that shows how the campers at Hillindale Summer Community Activities Camp spent their time. Here is their daily schedule: 7:30 breakfast 12:30 community clean-up 8:00 math 1:30 visit museums 9:00 science 2:30 bus travel 10:00 snack 3:00 swimming 10:15 sports 4:15 snack 11:30 lunch 4:30 reading 12:00 bus travel 5:30 end of day Group the activities into the following categories and convert the total time spent in each activity as a percentage of the day. (What is the whole day?) Here are the categories: eating, sports, bus travel, math/reading/science, community clean up, and museums. You may create a pie chart by hand or using the computer. Make sure you label your graph with the categories and percentage amount. Integer Practice: page 18/19 (hand-out) Vocabulary: Choose 15 words from your vocabulary list. You may either use these words in sentences or create a picture dictionary showing and describing the meaning of the word, using pictures and your own words. Vocabulary list: 1. expression 2. face 3. factor 4. fact family 5. figure 6.flip 7. fraction 8. function machine 9. graph 10. grid 11. hexagon 12. impossible event 13. integer 14. intersecting lines 15.justify 16. isosceles triangle 17. key 18. kilometer 19. line 20. line graph 21. line of symmetry 22. liter 23. mass 24. mean 25. median 26. meter 27. method 28. mixed number 29. mode 30. multiple 31. multiplication 32. number line 33. number sentence 34. numerator 35. octagon 36. odd number 37. operation 38. order